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Miscreated server types

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G_gameRules_faction4_equip='G18Pistol PistolSilencer 9mmx33 AT15 RifleSilencer RuggedPackCamo1 AdvancedBandage Rags WaterBottle AntibioticBandage TomatoJuiceCan TomatoesCooked STANAGx30 STANAGx30 TomatoesCooked Grenade CargoPantsTan MilitaryJacketTan PoliceVestBlue CombatBootsBlack MilitaryHelmetTan Cb_radio ScarfOrange' G_gameRules_faction3_equip='hk45 PistolSilencer acp_45x10_hk AT15 RifleSilencer STANAGx30 acp_45x10_hk RuggedPackBlack WaterBottle TomatoJuiceCan TomatoesCooked STANAGx30 TomatoesCooked CargoShortsBlack MilitaryJacketBlack GrenadeMolotov PoliceVestBlack acp_45x10_hk acp_45x10_hk CombatBootsBlack SwatHelmet AdvancedBandage Rags AntibioticBandage Cb_radio ScarfAqua' G_gameRules_faction6_name='SASUnityAdmins' G_gameRules_faction5_name='SASUnityPubber' G_gameRules_faction3_name='SASUnityKillers' When you join the server type in the factions name in chat i.e !SASUnitykillers you will see If you added this to your hosting.cfg restart your server.

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This needs to be added in your hosting.cfg Please note faction 0 'That's a ZERO' is the default when you first spawn in. Factions - here is an exsample to how you can create factions.

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